Ear Taxi Festival is a presentation of New Music Chicago, a 501(c)3 non-profit membership organization with a mission to support and advance Chicago’s robust cultural scene with resources for artists, composers, and audiences.
Your generosity is what makes Ear Taxi Festival possible. Your support enables us to program innovative, thought-provoking, boundary-breaking concerts—along with panel discussions, networking sessions, and professional development workshops.
The first festival, in 2016, featured 54 world premieres with performances over six days.
The 2021 festival took place over two weeks and featured more than 350 musicians over the course of a six-day festival reaching over 9,000 listeners.
The 2025 festival is poised to bring together audiences from across Chicagoland and the Midwest with three weeks of curated programming plus two weeks of community-organized performances including:
400+ artists through performance organizations and freelance, including instrumentalists, vocalists, composers, and crews.
20-35 Illinois-based composers through an unprecedented number of commissions, making it the largest single commissioning initiative in Illinois history.
50+ hours of programming
200+ College-level and 5th-12th grade students and educators through educational workshops and masterclasses.
5000+ In-person audience members from Illinois and the Midwest
Your tax-deductible donation supports artists, festival operations, and ensures the success of future Ear Taxi Festival presentations. Thank you for helping us shine a national and international light on the Chicago music community.
When you make a contribution to the Ear Taxi Festival, you help us:
Support Emerging Artists: By funding performance opportunities, commissions, and professional development, we’re committed to nurturing the next generation of trailblazing composers and performers.
Expand Community Engagement: Our workshops, interactive events, and outreach programs connect people of all ages and backgrounds with contemporary music, sparking creativity and fostering connection.
Present New and Diverse Voices: We are dedicated to featuring music that reflects the diversity of our city and our world. Your gift will help us showcase voices that too often go unheard.
Pre-concert onstage acknowledgment at all events
Invitation to a special private dinner event with one of our Anchor Performance composers
Invitation to Festival Artist’s-only Party on October 19, 2025
Six (6) complimentary VIP Level Festival Passes
Named recognition as a donor of all performances
Your choice of Ear Taxi Festival merchandise, plus an Ear Taxi Festival poster and sticker
Invitation to a special private dinner event with one of our Anchor Performance composers
Invitation to Festival Artist’s-only Party on October 19, 2025
Four (4) complimentary VIP Level Festival Passes
Named recognition as a donor of one (1) of the Anchor Performances
Your choice of Ear Taxi Festival merchandise, plus an Ear Taxi Festival poster and sticker
Invitation to Festival Artist’s-only Party on October 19, 2025
Two (2) complimentary VIP Level Festival Passes
Named recognition as a donor of one (1) of the Composer Showcase performances
Your choice of Ear Taxi Festival merchandise, plus an Ear Taxi Festival poster and sticker
Priority seating for all events
Your choice of Ear Taxi Festival merchandise, plus an Ear Taxi Festival poster and sticker
Two (2) complimentary Premier Level Festival Passes
Named recognition as a sponsor of the Taxi Performances
Priority seating for all events
Your choice of Ear Taxi Festival merchandise, plus an Ear Taxi Festival poster and sticker
Two (2) complimentary Standard Level Festival Passes
One (1) complimentary Standard Level Festival Pass
Ear Taxi Festival poster
Acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the digital program book. (For inclusion in the digital program book, please make your gift by September 1, 2025, thank you!)
Tote bag or t-shirt, plus an Ear Taxi Festival sticker
Acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the digital program book. (For inclusion in the digital program book, please make your gift by September 1, 2025, thank you!)
Ear Taxi Festival sticker
Acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the digital program book. (For inclusion in the digital program book, please make your gift by September 1, 2025, thank you!)
Acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the digital program book. (For inclusion in the digital program book, please make your gift by September 1, 2025, thank you!)
Pre-concert onstage acknowledgment at all events
One (1) full-page ad in physical program book
Invitation to Festival Artist’s-only Party on October 19, 2025
Six (6) complimentary VIP Level Festival Passes
Logo inclusion on all event posters and website
Full website banner advertisement for all events
One (1) full-page ad in physical program book
Invitation to Festival Artist’s-only Party on October 19, 2025
Four (4) complimentary VIP Level Festival Passes
Logo inclusion on all event posters
Full website banner advertisement for one (1) event category
Logo inclusion and support acknowledgement on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the program book. (For inclusion in the printed program book, please make your contribution by August 1, 2025, thank you!)
One (1) ½ page ad in physical program book
One (1) digital 1:1 ad in online
Two (2) complimentary VIP Level Festival Passes
Logo inclusion on event posters for a specific category (Anchor performances, Composer Showcase, Taxi Performances, or Accent Performances)
Logo inclusion and support acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the program book. (For inclusion in the printed program book, please make your contribution by August 1, 2025, thank you!)
One (1) digital 1:1 ad in the online program book
Two (2) complimentary Premiere Level Festival Passes
Logo inclusion and support acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the program book. (For inclusion in the printed program book, please make your contribution by August 1, 2025, thank you!)
One (1) digital ½ page ad in online program book
Two (2) complimentary Standard Level Festival Passes
Logo inclusion and support acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the program book. (For inclusion in the printed program book, please make your contribution by August 1, 2025, thank you!)
Logo inclusion and support acknowledgment on the Ear Taxi Festival website and the program book. (For inclusion in the printed program book, please make your contribution by August 1, 2025, thank you!)