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The Composer’s Voice

Welcome to ETF 2025!

Ear Taxi Festival 2025 (ETF 25) brings together vocal and instrumental artists to collaborate on new commissions, operatic performances, orchestral and choral works, chamber music, artist talks, and much more!

  • When: The curated Ear Taxi Festival will take place from October 3rd to 19th, 2025.

  • Where: Concerts, professional development, and social events will take place at multiple venues across Chicago. 

  • Who: The festival showcases Chicago’s diverse new music community, with a special focus on composers from Illinois. 

  • Why: This festival's third iteration is dedicated to creating new relationships and connections, and showcasing as much new music as possible in 15 days of concerts! 

  • What: ETF comprises five categories of events.

  • Curated concerts featuring operatic, orchestral,
    and other large works.

  • Concerts featuring different chamber ensembles paired with vocal artists premiering new commissions.

  • Ear Taxi Festival will accept proposals from artists and composers to present Taxi performances.

  • Accent Concerts provide inclusion, promotion, and advertising for performances beyond the Anchor, Composer Showcase, and Taxi performances.

  • A mix of panel discussions, presentations, open rehearsals, and networking events to unite the city’s new music community and bolster the careers of Chicago’s artistic workforce.

If you are a…

...Composer: Submit a proposal to be considered for a Composer Showcase Commission. Or, put together a concert program and submit your idea to either a Taxi or Accent concert. (Application portal opens July 1st)

...Performer: Put together a proposal for a Taxi Concert, or organize your own concert and apply to be listed as an Accent Concert during the festival. (Application portal opens October 14th)

...Presenter/Educator: Propose a topic you would like to present.

…Music Lover/Avid Listener/New Music Fan/Human Being: Mark your calendar for Fall 2025! Our programming will keep you busy from September to October!

Interested in performing at ETF ‘25?

Join us for our Taxi and Accent Concert Webinar on September 19th at 10:00 A.M. to learn more!

Excited? Stay Updated!

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Help us bring Ear Taxi to everyone!

Ear Taxi Festival Archives